Protecting Your Interests Through Practical Business Solutions

Guiding Owners Through The Sale Or Breakup Of Their Business

No matter how strong the professional relationship, friendship or family connection is at the start of a business partnership, there comes a time in nearly every successful business when the partners decide to sell the company, break up or exit for personal reasons. If you have reached that day in your business partnership, talk to a lawyer at Jordan & Zito in Chicago.

We are a team of Chicago-based attorneys who have dedicated our practice to business litigation and transactional law. We use our experience in the field of complex commercial litigation to guide our clients through minimizing the risk of litigation when breaking up, selling or exiting a business in Illinois.

Whether you are in the middle of a partnership dispute that you don’t think can be resolved, selling your businesses or one partner simply wants to retire, you will benefit from a strong, guiding hand through the sales, buyout, liquidation or succession process.

We have helped many clients with exit strategies, including business dissolution, selling or filing for corporate bankruptcy. Call us at 312-489-8174 or use our convenient online contact form to arrange an opportunity to discuss your business situation with one of our attorneys.